restricted data




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1·But in sorting geological data there are many problems which need to resolve., for example, how to divide restricted data, how to manage classified data etc.
2·Of course, details will vary since how you store your data might be restricted.
3·Materials such as requirements, system architecture, and data structures are not restricted to a single project and are intended to be reused.
4·With murky data, and diplomats and foreign-aid staff restricted in where they may travel, not everyone agrees with the WFP's assessment.
5·With Informix 11.7, you are not restricted by distance or by the size or number of servers and clusters in your local, regional, or global data grid.
通过使用Informix 11.7,用户不会受距离或者本地、地区或全球数据网格中服务器和集群的规模和数量的限制。
6·26 small storage devices have been lost this year, 3 of which held "secret" information while another 19 carried "restricted" data, Britain's Ministry of Defence recently admitted.
7·Android has not restricted access to this data.
8·With access to the WebSphere MQ file Transfer Edition agent's command queue suitably restricted, a useful enhancement might be to encrypt the file data as it flows between agents.
对WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition代理的命令队列的访问进行适当限制后,一个有用的增强可能是对在代理之间流动的文件数据进行加密。
9·Even when an external application like a ReportWriter connects, the data it can see is still restricted to the appropriate data for that tenant.
即使Report Writer这样的外部应用程序连接到数据库,它所看到的数据仍然被严格限制为与租户对应的数据。
10·The key isn't restricted to being an integer; it can be any nonmutable data type, including an integer, float, tuple, or string.
键并不限制为整数;它可以是任何不易变的数据类型,包括 integer、float、tuple 或 string。
更新时间:2025-03-29 04:38